Lia - Letting go of the pursuit of an idealised version of motherhood -

Lia - Letting go of the pursuit of an idealised version of motherhood

Posted by The Tenth Co on

Meet Lia DiMingo, mother of two and the creator of portier, a company born from her own desire for a baby carrier that reflected her personal style. Portier is dedicated to designing products that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, something I really wish existed during my early days of motherhood. Lia empowers parents to embrace their unique style and navigate parenthood on their own terms. It's an approach we wholeheartedly support.

Her words resonated as she spoke of the unexpected challenges of transitioning from one child to two, the accompanying guilt, and the liberating power of letting go of societal expectations for motherhood. Instead, she advocates trusting your intuition and honoring your individuality.


lia domingo mother and founder of baby carrier perfect help for postpartum


1. The Journey of Self.

 Let's dive right in, in your own words, what has your journey been to date?

This opportunity to reflect really came at a perfect time! The last 12 months have been wild to say the least. I have been running in overdrive and feeling very burnt-out. Taking a step back to reflect is well overdue. 

Immediately after graduating high school an amazing opportunity emerged – the chance to play tennis and attend university in the USA. Seizing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I packed my bags at 18 and made Colorado my home. Little did I know, this decision would shape the course of my life in unimaginable ways.

Towards the end of my journey through university, my father passed away back home in Australia which was a pivotal moment changing my life’s trajectory. I realised that being back home with family and friends was where I needed to be. I landed my first corporate job in Melbourne and started “the climb”. I threw everything at it with passion and tenacity which spanned over a relentless 18-year career. The grind naturally led to burnout.
Going on Maternity leave was a soul-nourishing experience for me that brought a significant shift. Entering motherhood with the arrival of my first son Xander coincided with the onset of Covid lockdown. Despite the global chaos, it turned out to be a blissful time. Choosing to avoid the news, I focused on what I could control. This pause became a turning point, it was the catalyst for change, redirecting me to where I am now.


lia domingo mother breastfeeding her son in baby carrier

2. The Mother.

You are a mother of two, what did you expect motherhood to be like before you had children? What surprised you? How has motherhood evolved for you? What advice would you give yourself and others? 


I always knew I wanted to have children, but I was also loving life with my husband travelling the world. I thought that having children was going to end all that for us. When in fact it’s just enriched our experiences.


Lia Domingo mother and founder before having children


What surprised me? Going from one, to two under two. I don’t know what I was thinking, In hindsight, I hadn’t given it much thought. I figured, I’ve done this once, I can do it again!

Why does no one talk about the challenges that come with going from one to two? I certainly wasn’t prepared. I hadn’t thought about the impact it would have on Xander, how I would manage his emotions, the guilt I’d feel with not giving him more of my time as I was caring for a newborn. The feeling of being outnumbered and overwhelmed when home alone with the kids.


lia dimingo postpartum journey with two kids


Then starting a new business just to added to the chaos. Amongst the chaos, motherhood has reinforced one thing for me and that is to always, always trust your intuition. It has been and will always be my advice.

 lia dimingo motherhood journey


In fact, I try not to give advice when it comes to being a mother. There is so much noise out in the world and it can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed. When asked by friends how I handled certain situations, rather than immediately answering with advice, I try to ask them more questions and listen to understand. To empower them to follow their instincts. Often mothers just need a sounding board. They intuitively know what to do but can lose their confidence amongst the noise. My advice is to always trust your intuition. Go with your gut. There is no right or wrong, just do you!


3. The Postpartum.


My postpartum experiences were similar in some ways and very different in others. In reflecting on my two journeys, the most significant shift was embracing imperfection as a form of perfection the second time around. It was a journey of being authentically imperfect.


 Lia Domingo postnatal experience with two children


I didn't adhere to a meticulously structured sleep routine, as our circumstances didn't allow for it. Juggling Xander's activities meant Maxim napped in the carrier. We flowed with the demands, doing what was necessary. I embraced the reality, letting go of the pursuit of an idealized version of motherhood, and accepted the imperfectly perfect moments.


4. The Catalyst.

You are the Founder of portier - which is quickly getting it’s own cult following and for a good reason. We wish your products existed when we had our babies! What led you to creating portier, what are the guiding principles behind portier? What is your ‘why’?


portier was born from a personal need – a desire to create a product that made me feel good and granted the freedom to venture out effortlessly with my babies. As a lover of all things design from interiors, architecture and most of all fashion, I found it challenging to find products that resonated with my style. Over a dedicated 2- year journey, even amidst a pandemic, I created our hero product, the Limitless Carrier. My goal is to instill that same sense of confidence in parents. In those moments when getting out of the house seems impossible, or days when activewear seems like your only option, the carrier becomes a game changer. It’s the instant elevation you need – a saving grace that transforms your outfit and uplifts your spirit.





5. The Feel-Good Components.

Being a mother and a founder, as well as so many other things, can be challenging to dedicate the time to do things for our own wellbeing. Reflecting on the things that makes You Feel Good, what would the recipe look for you, by doing Dr Oscar Serrallach's framework of:


1. Tiny things frequently (20 sec or so) multiple times a day: 

Breath work - The basic idea of breathwork is to release stress when you breathe out and nourish your mind and body when you breathe in. I find this to be something so simple that I can do with little time, effort and consistently.


2. Small things daily:

Smile – When I smile I feel good. When feeling not so great, smiling instantly lifts my mood and energy.


3. Big things once in a week:

  • Going for a run
  • Socialising
  • Enjoying one of my many favorite meals. I’m a big foodie and get much joy from eating.


4. Bigger things once in a while: 

  • Travel, Travel, Travel…. i love to travel. By the time I arrive home from one holiday, I’m already planning my next. 


6. The Inspiration. 


Describe your favorite moment of the day?

My morning’s with Maxim and Bedtime chats with Xander. I’m almost at the end of my breastfeeding journey and am hanging on to my mornings with Maxim. As soon as he wakes, I bring him into our bed for his morning feed.  Xander is almost 4, we lay in his bed every night and have the best chats. He tells me everything. They are currently my two favorite moments of the day.


What are some of the tools and/or resources that you find support in? Good Girlfriends!


We love a quote/word of wisdom. Do you have a quote or sentence you found helpful in your journey?

One of my favorite quotes relating to business is: “All problems are an opportunity to innovate”. It reminds me to not stress about the problem and instead focus on the solution.

What would you like readers to take away from today’s chat?

Embrace imperfections, own your confidence and nothing will stop you.


Please check out portier and here they look incredible and the reviews speak for themselves. 

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